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[[3 columned table]]
1867|Wm A Hester| 
   |To Mrs. S. A Robards,| Pr.
April 1st|For rent of room for family 8 mo. to Dec 1st|24.00
April 1st|For [[strikethrough]] axe in halve lost|2.25 [[/strikethrough]]
   |For clothing lost in washing by wife|1.50
   |For sewn paper|4.00
   |For Tallering for wife|1.50
   |For cash returned|3.50
   |For cash returned|.25
   |For 2 yds bleaching @30¢|.60
   |For 1 shoat|3.00
   |For order on Peter Gilliam|.75
   |For 4 1/2c flour @ 9¢|.40
   |   |─────
   |   |39.10

   |Mrs. S. A. Robards|
1867 | To Wm Hester|Pr
   |For services rendered 11 months @ $10.41 2/3|$114.58
   |For services rendered by wife 11 months @ $4.00| 12.00
   |For cash loaned|5.00
   |For cash loaned 1/68|2.00
   |For cash loaned|.25
   |For cash loaned|.25
   |For cash loaned|.05
   |For cash loaned|5.00
   |   | ─────
   |   | 139.13
   |For [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] lost [[/strikethough]]|
   |Paid William Hester|39.50
   |   |───── 
   |   |99.63 -
   |   |27.25
   |   |─────
   |   |72.38
   |   |2.00
   |   |─────
   |   |70.38
   |   |─────
   |   |48.38

Hester & Mr. Keever note|32.30
cash paid|22.00
[[/3 columned table]]


Transcription Notes:
Pr. - Price shoat = pig Needs a third column.