Viewing page 104 of 299

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[left margin]] 1375 [[/left margin]] 

[[2 Columned Table]]
--- | --- 
1000 lbs fodder | 12.50
4 gallons Brandy @ 4 | 16.  
Beef | 5.08
hide | 3.  
Fodder | 6.87 1/2
500 Shingles | 2.
Ham | 1.20
Hauling 2 days| 1.
Shelling corn | 2.
Butt hinges | 1.50
   |          ─────
   |        |51.15 1/2
Ditching | 
   |        ──────
   |       |$114.19 1/2
   |       |  93.47 1/2
   |         ──────────
   |       |  20.72

Baling     | 6.50
           | ─────
Beny ohon  | 1.08
33.07 1/2 = | 5.52
            | ─────
            | 6.60

[[/2 Columned Table]]

[[equation]] 104.25/6 = 17.37 1/2 - 6.60 = 10.77 1/2 - 104.25 = 93.47 1/2 [[equation]]

Transcription Notes:
* The equation is formatted this way since we can't indent. The 93.47 1/2 may be a negative (or what is owed). They did that strangely, putting the 104.25 under the smaller number. But we get the picture of what they did. This was marked complete and ready for review with question marks in the transcript. Do not mark complete when there are question marks in the transcript.