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July 15 1867

[[2 columned table]]
| --- | --- |

| To oats | $10. | 
| To Wheat | $1.50 |
| To Wheat | $3 | 
| To Straw | 1 50. |
| To Chap | $1 |
|  | $17 |

This is to certify that Robert day is owing me for thirty two days ploughing I boarded my son while he ploughed and charged fifty cents per day my son Henry F Moore also assisted in curing three barns of tobacco for which he charged ten dollars per barn, he agreed to pay me in oats fodder and wheat straw there was about a half a stack of oats which I have received the straw was vallied at one dollar fifty which I have received he also owe me ten cents for coffee [[?]] and half cts for vinegar I thirty three cents for a brandy which I leaned him in case of sickness or a neighborly act
this the fourth of February 1868

Ann E Moore

My son done the principal part of the work Robert slayed with him at knight but Henry had to be up at putting on of coal and regulating the steam he done all the principal part