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State of North Carolina
Franklin County.   
To any lawful officer to execute and return within thirty days from the date hereof (Sundays excepted.) You are hereby commanded [[strikethrough]] to take the bond of [[/strikethrough]] Summons Leroy Alston & Docter Alston & Lewis Perry and [[strikethrough]]safely keep so that [[\strikethrough]]  you have them before me or some other Justice of the Peace for said county, to answer the complaint of Dr. Samuel Perry for the non-payment of the sum of Ninty two Dollars, 81/100 dollars due by Note. 
Given under my hand and seal, this the 3 day of January A.D. 1868. 
Joshua Perry J.P. [Seal.]

In this case Judgment is granted in favor of the Plaintiff for the sum of ninety two dollars and eighty three cents with interest from Jany 1 the 1868 and for all Legal - cost. &c
Given under my hand and seal, this the 3 day of Jany A.D. 1868
Joshua Perry J.P. [Seal.] 

Execute and sell so much of the Goods and Chattels of the Defendant as will satisfy the above judgment with all legal cost, and for the want of sufficient goods and chattels to lay the same on the Lands and Tenements of the Defendant, and make due return thereof according to law. Given under my hand an seal this, the 3 day of January A.D. 1868 
Joshua Perry J.P. [Seal.]

Transcription Notes: