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5 ms. East of Louis burg N.C. Feb 5/68

Capt J.H. Hay:

Sir Your Order was rec'd to day. I would readily attend to this complaint were it in my powers; but I am an old man 71 year old, and have been laboring for years under a very painful disease, abdominal hernia, which prevents me from travelling but a short distance, and very often confined to my bed if  I exercises too much.
If you will consent to postpone the hearing until Tuesday in March Court week in this County I will try to be present if my health will allow.  I will try to make the following statement which can be verified by several witnesses  This old woman Lucinda Jones came to my house some time about christmas and desired to be hired for the year to cook, iron & wash at $50. for the year. which I agreed to give.  She began 1st Jany, but very soon said that she could not wash on account of rheumatism in her hands & wrist, and she was not required to wash. About the first of the present month she became enraged with the person who measures out my meat & meal declaring in angry tone that she did not get enough to eat, and that she would