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[[7 Columned Table|
| Date | Parties | Cause of Action | Sum returnable | Plea | Action taken | Costs |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Dec 12. | State vs Jim Smith | Larceny | Decr 14/68. | Not Guilty | It appears to the satisfaction of the Court, that a strong suspicion of Deft having committed the crime charged, E[[?]] It is therefore ordered that he be bound in the sum of $100.00 to appear at next term of Superior Court, in default of which he be committed to jail.  [[strikethrough]] Dr Debnam [[/strikethrough]] I. J. Tonng. | Warrant 50¢ supoena. 25. Trial. 50 Judgmt. 25. Bank Bond. 35 Court. 2.00 - 3.85 |

| Dec. 9 | D. E. Young vs Eaton Haithcock | To recover fifty dollars on a/c | Dec 19 |   | Adjusted by parties before trial.  E. T. Lamberton J.P. | sum: 15 Shff 1.05 |

| 14 | Cheatham Andrew &c vs C. M. Robberts | To recover $37 10/100 on a/c | Dec 19 |   | Judgement Ints. given in default of appearance of def't at time of trial, and the plaintiffe having filed proof of the personal service of the summons and of the Justice of their claim
E. T. Lamberton J.P. | sum .5 Shff 105 Shff 93 Judg 25 Exc 25 Aff 5 - 2.68 not pd |

| 14 |  A W Rowland & co vs S. S. Cooper | To recover $24.93 on a/c | Dec 19 continued to 22d |   | Execution Dec 19, 1868 -  | Sum 15 Shff 105 Court 10 |

Transcription Notes:
Eaton Haithcock: