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January 28, 1955.

Mr. Wilbur L. Morrison
Pan American World Airways, Inc.
Miami, Florida.

Dear Bill:

I spent more than an hour yesterday with Mr. John Brancker, Dick Lounsbury and others in a discussion of Mexicana's position with regard to IATA.

Mr. Brancker is going to send us the new formula with some suggestions which probably will make it possible for us to participate as active members. The inactive membership cannot apply to Mexicana inasmuch as it is restricted to those carriers which have no international routes. Mr. Brancker seemed to think that our participation would not be prohibitive and he even mentioned that he was sure that we would be admitted at a figure well under half the original quota which we were charged till we resigned from the Organization.

When we get the new formula and we adjust our ton mileage to it, we will be in a position to make a definitive and prompt decision.

Warm greetings,

E. R. Silliman.
