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December 15th, 1955
Dear Bink:

Now that Christmas is near I want to take time out to write a few letters to my good friends.  I feel that a letter is much nicer than any old Christmas card.
It's a blustering evening but I feel cozy and snug as I seat here typing this letter by the fire, sort of half listening to the radio and sipping a double Martini.  I only wish you were here to join me in one but since you are not, the least I can do is to toast your health and happiness, so time out while I bend my elbow to you.

I also took time out to mix another Martini and while I was out in the Kichen I though I might as well drink it out there and mix another out there and in so doing I feel like I'm beginning to feel pretty hih.  Its funny how a cold dring can warm up your stomahc and insprie yourthouts isn't it?  I must have been sitting to close to the fire for I startew fell a littet dizzy so I mixed another Martini and nowmy head fels a clear as a bell agin/ O you can9t beat the combnation of good gin vermouth and stiffed olives, beer and squoth and bourban are allrighr but you can't beat gin ermouth with pickeld onsions.

Now i like alittet dring now anthen and I have tak a foruth or maybe afifth and I am more then evew convincde that any man shqe doesn8' is stufid and not inth proer sprit/ O icould drinh Matrinis alday and nefer quibber an etelash and be so sworse a citizeb than I ws vebor.  LThis country is good as it evew was.  We al know prices are higt, but still we arewell of in Muxico. LTHEREujust inn8t a bettercountryx.

Say tese Matrunis isllrighr, when wev neded stinualhys we sure do even in some people don8t like ti who are blunooses and its a pretty kinf of a kettlfish is i can't drink a toatst to old friend.  I i could dronk matrinis by the quaet to yourr haelth all nigth and still pass anu so sobrity ats sos heres again to your healthj. xMqerry cxrisPmasQ.

Afectnatly urours,

Transcription Notes:
Note that the misspellings (typos) are keyed in as they show on the screen. The amount of gin consumed may have been a factor for the original author when typing this letter