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I had a caller Friday afternoon Elbridge Hayward Roy & Qeenies Father. he came to see about the name of the land they are taking of Welch up there the Fish & Game society they want the ancient name it went by if Arthur was living he probably would know. as he was one they used to refer to in such cases Faxon sent him I think, sorry not to be able to inform him we got to speaking of old things and people he had a wonderful time he was 79 his last birthday Tuesday in the midst of our conversation he said up on your lot at the cemetery your stone was moved back after the hurrycane? no not that I know of. we were there Memorial day. he said it looked so. that tree at the corner was blown down, yes I said. so when he went home he started up there but the wind blew so he came home. so all night he worried about what he told me & never slept a wink, so early in the morning he went up there & found that he was mistaken then, he called up & told us and asked if I worried over what he told me. she told him not a bit, & the poor man was much relieved. he is very conscientious. The Perdigoes are going to send me a box tomorrow so I can send my things I have made you for xmas, all home made not many at that, hope you like them, dont do so much yourself nobody is this year. Mrs Barry is going at hers strong foolish Ma