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Stoughton Dec 7th 1939

Dear Doris

We are having cool but pleasant days. no snow yet, only light flurries, up in Vermont they have regular blockades of the terrible stuff. hope Myrtie is satisfied she does'nt mind it though. I never want to see it coming it makes me gloomy. 

I was dreaming this morning about Mrs. Gilcher, she is very intimate with Evelyn Giles & that crowd Laura says she always picks such people, they dont get along well together they never did. Dr Golding has had the school doctoring taken away from him Careta says. her brother is a very close friend of Dr. Ewings he got the care of the school children away from him & he has no love for Golding. he went against him in O'Haras trial. now O'Harra is at the head of the drug store & doing well the Irish are all for him & against Golding who has turned out to be a crook. he tried to get Sue Reynolds money after she began to lose her mind by signing papers he told he to he was her doctor. the housekeeper informed the nephew after he got her turned off. 

Transcription Notes:
12-27/20 - Some names were a bit unclear, but other than that, I transcribed the entire page.