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nothing goes right in this world. the greed for money is terrible. we are getting away from righteousness or God. people are not happy. is pays to live right. I am glad & know the difference otherwise one would fear death. 
I hope you are not breaking your neck over your xmas presents this year. Mrs Barry has been to Boston twice & to Brockton twice & still she is still at it. she makes too many. it does not mean much to me for I don't have the money to spend, all of my presents are made by myself. I never made much of xmas its just as well.
Elizabeth Southworth called up yesterday for Mrs Barry to go with her shopping. after all she had gone off with Bareta, it was too bad she hadn't gone with her instead of with Bareta for she would have had a much better time & got home earlier at night Bareta knows how to spend money. she was not over her sickness & had to have a woman bring the bundles & do them up & it cost her a lot she is a spend thrift. Barbara is smart the Symphony people are haring her give lessons to their pupils who are to play in the concert later. Laura got them to hear her play one time they were out to her house they were thunderstruck with her talent. she is very smart & not spoilt