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The ground is left covered with snow but the sun will soon melt it

Stoughon Nov 23rd 1929

seems good to see the sunshine. been cloudy for days
sunday was pleasant Ma the last day we had sun

Dear Doris

Today is your thanksgiving its a pleasant day here, the first pleasant one of this week. with the thermometer at 35 degrees early on the porch I hope your day was the same and everything passed of all right. I dont look forward to these holidays they are painful after ones family is broken up we are glad when they pass over. ours will be on the 30th I suppose "yanky stuffgutday" I suppose in Germany they are about starving. there may be an uprisal how long will they stand such things it remains to be seen. this is no war its simply slaughter for greed. I am heartily sick of reading about it in the papers. will be glad when its over. but that wont be until they put an end to Hitlerites