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I would not be surprised to see Lena or know she was in town anytime, she is unsettled in mind thats the way she was born. hope her money holds out. Mamie Kate is the same, Elizabeth Southworth was talking about Kate as she calls her, the other day. to Mrs Barry she knows her well. Ma
Stoughton October 20th 1939
Dear Doris
Another mild day, it rained during the night and the fire alarm rung in about midnight. to day is also warm and sunny after our earthquake which we here knew nothing about. the wind was quite severe, we felt glad our chimney was fixed before it came. I paid for it, he presented the bill after he got through and i told him it was very reasonable and worth more than $22. he had to buy new brick as a great many of the old were worn so thin, Bill told him $20 was what we asked, but he plastered the one on the main part and all through the one he put up, he plastered, he also rounded over the top so it wouldn't smoak. that chimney always did smoak. he also cleaned out their store pipe, the people all say he did a darn good job. He would for Bill always employs his and sees to his prices. I am so thankful we had one who understood his business so well. he told Bill it was the worst chimney he ever tackled and the wonder to him was why is hadn't fallen as it swayed in the breeze.