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Stoughton August 10th, 1939

Dear Doris

We are having hot weather it has come up from the South, so the radio says, but the shower of last night cooled us off a bit, most of it went around as usual.  then at eight O'clock the sky was as bright as if there were a fire, so the neighbors put out their lights to see the illumianation one could see to read on their door steps. I told Mrs Barry the world was coming at an end sure.

Jackie [[?]] this vacation had the measles, he was very sick but he is now fully recovered and up to his deviltry [[?]] worse than common.  he has taken his gang of boys up into the grone [[?]] and they have raised partecular [[?]] deviltry [[?]].  so that to go down the path through to Seaver Street it is very dangerous, great holes they have dug out enough to break ones neck if you were not looking and when Jbazel [[?]] Drake came through there the other day she told us about it.  so I though it best to go down there