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Stoughton August 3rd 1939
Dear Doris
The weather has cleared up, it is not so doggy although the sun is hot but with a cool wind. I am writing my letter so you may get it by the end of the week. There is not much to tell, most of the neighbors have gone on their vacation, it has been a very good week for vacations to the beaches. Gertrude finally decided she would not go off alone, so her mother & Addie were included at the last minute. their uncle is in charge of the premises while they are gone. they are lucky but don't realize it. he has the money the old maid sister he lives with, is very hard to get along with, she is jealous of the Ballentine sister.
Lottie Crane called up she says Cousin Myra took Maude around a lot while she was here on a visit. I guess they were always fond of Maude. she & Ralph went out there on a visit together the last place they ever went. Lottie always inquires after you. I haven't heard from Anna. hope she is better I miss seeing her. she was good to come up.