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           Stoughton July 20th 1939
Dear Doris
Still cool days, we are enjoying + very dry no showers, on the whole it seems a nice summer so far. Anna came up to see me yesterday she looks bad + is not able to do anything. she is suffering at present with strangery a terrible uncomfortable complaint but I told her there was a cure for it + she said what I told her the doctor who took Doretys place cured Mrs. Barry of hers last summer right away + she suffered a long time before she went to him. she has the pills now in case of another attack, but no body knows the name. you have to go to a doctor to find out. but it is worth while to get out of it. She says Henrys folks are living next to her + Henry has a new car + Florence a new run about, they are going to fix up the place + live there we hear. I guess they must have made money on their recent fire. he may prosper but time will tell. he has a good salary + should make a living on it but he gambles + drinks. Maude is the one people pity