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[[top margin]]Laura Gebhartd has just called up[[?]] to invite us to go for a ride down to blue hill + have an ice cream after 7 o'clock this is to celebrate Mrs Barrys birth day, she is nice to invite us Ma

Stoughton July 4th 1939
Dear Folks
We are having a very pleasant sunny day to day, warmer than yesterday, not very noisy so far but I slept well last night in spite of the fireing [[?]]. Bill came over + brought ice cream after I went up to bed. I was asleep so they didn't wake me up he never gets here 'till after bedtime. he wanted me to have some cream but I was sound asleep + they thought it best not to wake me up + I was glad they didn't. He wanted to take Mrs Barry to see the bon fire they had in Bandolph but she said no she would like to see it but of course she would'nt go to leave me alone in the house the night before  the fourth + Bill said no thats right. 

[[second paragraph]] [[indent]] The Ballantines have been away + brought home company, they are out in their backyard swimming themselves, they are dressed in very short clothes with legs bare + also their feet, the same, Mrs Ballentine + Tertrude have trouble with their legs so they are swimming them

Transcription Notes:
Pretty easy to do this. Just one confusion in the first paragraph.