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[[top left margin]] Dont worry Dorris I was always one that liked be alone + do as I had a mind to. + Dr Brides told me that I should never have a long sickness but would go quick at the last so I dont worry + now dont you. things will go all right. + they do with one Ma [[/top margin]]
Stoughton May 31st 1939
Dear Doris
It is cool today much better than yesterday Irma and Gladys the young lady who lives with her eame for us yesterday + took us up to the cemetery in the morning + we left Bolcord here putting on the screen doors + taking off the storm windows. he waited till after we got home + then I paid him. then in the afternoon I have got them on the kitchen + primed for the summer. 
The Leonard boy came Monday + cut the grass + then I asked him if he knew who I could get to cut up those pieces of wood down by the little building + he said he would do it Wednesday + now I am in hopes to get them all cleared away + the place put to rights this week, he is a good worker + tends right to the business. + guess needs the money. a large family of small children + brought up to work. he came this afternoon + is cutting up the wood pile. its most cut up now