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[[top left margin]] Bring those two slifes that you cannot get into + I have some wide insertion + will fix them with out much trouble. its foggy today + it may be the beginning of the May Storm
Ma [[/top left margin]]

[[top right hand corner]] Stoughton May 21st 1939

Dear Doris.
the day is cloudy with occasional sun cooler than yesterday. I have been hearing a familiar bird song + today happened to see an areole [[air hole?]] they never come around untall warm weather. now I think spring has really come. with summer not far distant.
the lilaes are begining to show their color + will soon be in bloom, the red bud is also in bloom, ( what is the left from the hurrycane), dogwood is also out. my narcissi never looked better. tulips are in bloom also the flowering almond. the flowers are coming thick + fast
addie was over this morning + says Mrs Joomey fell down stairs + broke her hip, they took her to the hospital and she went into a coma + remains in one still. they had done everything for her to make her life pleasant before this accident + she seemed to enjoy her home. its too bad this thing had to happen in her old age. I see little Ougenes car is over to Dennus house this morning that is where he stays when he comes to town. Mary dont