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D6 encl
Requisition for Subsistence Stores for the ease of Destitute Refugees, Freedmen, Women and Orphan Children of Darlington Dist S.C. for 31 days commencing the 1st day January 1867. and ending 31st day of Jan 1867.

Darlington Court House S.C. | Rations | Remarks
  | No. to be supplied | No. of days | No. of rations | Pork | Bacon | Ham | Salt beef | Flour | Hard Bread | Corn meal | 
For issue to destitute Refugees, Freedmen, Women and Orphan Children | 100 | 31 | 3100 |  |  |  |  |   | For Decl. Ref. Freed'n and orphan children.  The issue will not encourage idleness or vagrancy.

No. of rations needed for use.
No. of rations on hand.
No. of rations to be furnished.

Examined and Approved     M.J.D. Forest
Groivksih                 2nd Lieut 3rd V.R.C.
Col 9" V.R.C. BBG          and Sub Asst Comr.
and Actg Asst Comr
RK Scott
B' Maj Genl
Asst Com U.S.C.