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but said he would give me a certificate which I could take to Mr. Kennison at Seabrooks and he would give me or advance me some provision. I did not however use the certificate, (I enclose it with my receipts.) My Cotton if sold where it ought to have been would brought me at least 80 cts. pr. lb.

1241 lbs. cotton - ginned would be 300 lbs
Clean cotton at 80 cts pr. lb.       $240.00
21 1/2 for cotton seed $2.50        53.75
Total                                 $293.75

due me for cotton & seed. I have received on my cotton & seed from Mr. [[?]] who Maj Delaney sent me to provision to the amount of about $10.00 also a cent from same party which Maj Delaney looked at and serviced me to buy of him for $35.00 and Maj Delaney said he would see some merchant on the Row and get him to advance me some rations &c as I had now got so much Cotton &c in the house. So I went to Mr. Houston and he gave me a certificate saying I had a Certain amount of Cotton in the Bureau Agency which I was to take to Mr. McIntyre on the Row and he would credit me goods to the  amt. of 10 cents per pound on my Cotton so I got goods to amt. of $53.00 making a total of $148.00 advanced which would leave a balance in my favor of $145.75  Maj Delany hired or put Mr. Houston in there without consulting