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Headquarters, Assistant Commissioner,
Charleston, S.C., January 31st 1867.

Bvt Major Edwd L. Deane
A.A.A. General -
Major - 

We have the honor to report that in accordance with p. 3. S.O. No 10, dated Hd Qrs Asst Comsr Bu. R.F and A.L. Charleston S.C. January 17th 1867 constituting us a Board under Sec. 2. of a "Bill to Establish a Bureau of R.F. and A.L." "to assess the value of buildings and improvements placed by Freedpeople upon land covered by possessing titles on Jame, Island S.C. " - we have assessed and estimated the improvements accordingly, and as herewith respectfully transmit a copy of the proceedings in each case, for the completion of the records in your office. 

We are very respty Yr Obt. servants,

E. W. Everson       }
Bvt Maj A.DC.       } Appraisers
William. B. Cutter. }

Transcription Notes:
its not But its Bvt for Brevet a military title,