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Received of JB Annis six hundred and fifty dollars, in full consideration of a negro man by the name of Daniel a slave for life, sound in body and mind; given under my hand and seal

This the [[strikethrough]] 2nd [[/strikethrough]] 1st day of November 1851.

of the state of ^ 
Slios May Junior 

State of Arkansas}
County of Johnson} SS
City of Clarksville}

Be it known that on this 1st day of September AD. 1837, at the City of aforesaid before me John W. Woodward, Notary Public in and for the said County of Johnson personally appeared Thomas May, of full age and in my presence signed the above receipt, and acknowledged the sale and delivery or the negro Daniel & the receipt of the above sum of money and desired the same should be so certified.

In testimony whereof I hereto set my have and affix the notarial seal of my office in the City aforesaid of the date above written 

J.W. Woodward N.P.

Transcription Notes:
Unsure of notaries name, signature and mention in paragraph look different