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Headquarters, Assistant Commissioner,
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.
Charleston, S.C., July 23d. 1867
J.B. 90 "G"

Respectfully referred to Captain Geo. E. Tingres Sub Asst Com. Sub. Dist of Darlington who will investigate this case and if he becomes satisfied of the complicity of any person (either Civil Officer or Magistrate in the forgery of names upon the enclosed petitions, he will at once forward charges against the person or persons so implicated. 
The charges will be separately against each individual and will be forwarded without delay to these HeadQuarters. These papers to be ret'd.

E.M.B. 895,
By order of 
Bvt Major General R K Scott 
Edw L Deane
Bvt Major and AAA General