Viewing page 17 of 174

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[[right margin]] K [[/right margin]]
[[2 columns]]
| --- | --- |

| Kirkman, W.G. | 255. |
| Keillin, Moses | 255. |
| King, C. H. | 255. 195. 198. |
| Keith, M. C. | 255. 343. 473. 579. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. |
| Kelso, Alfred | 30. |
| Kennedy, Geo. | 33. |
| King, John L. | 468. 470. 470. 255. 256. 257. 613. |
| Knowen, Edw. C. | 257. |
| Knapp, Eunice | 257. 258. 260. |
| Kavanaugh, Nancy | 56. 30. 34. 258. |
| Kulan, Julia | 348. 260. |

| Kavanough, N., Ms. | 61. 259. 260. 261. 375. |
| King, James | 259. |
| King, W. H. | 259. |
| Kampmann, I. H. | 519. |
| Kusee, Wm | 401. |