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[[2 columns]]

McNeil, Florence | 307.
McMahon, John | 307. 309. 495. 497. 318. 504.
McInerny, M. | 307. 309. 310. 431. 433. 477. 311. 312. 314. 315.
Massey, William | 307.
Mullins, Ship | 307. 308. 320. 321.
McCain, S. W. | 308. 195. 314. 316.
Moon, Joseph | 308.
Morse, B.S.| 308. 343. 343. 344. 316. 317.
Moses, Isaac | 309. 311. 316. 495.
Morse, Chas. E. | 309. 145.
Medows, P.S. | 308. 467. 313. 314. 316. 317. 318. 48. 319. 50. 320. 320.
Matson, Mrs. A. H. | 310.
Morris, R. M. | 310.
Medlin, Peyton | 5.
McCendy, A. | 30.
McKee, Scipio | 30.
Mozers & Dedrick | 58.
Madison, H. G. | 81. 312. 313.
Mallick, Paul | 142. 313.
Mitchell, G. B. | 144. 476. 144. 145. 434. 317.
McClay, Wm | 193.
Massie, Hattie. | 195.
Mayfield, Stacy. | 198. 203. 310. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317.
Mitchell, A. G. | 202. 203. 310. 314. 315.
McClery, James 206. | 311. 312. 490. 147.317.
Matthews, Mary | 403. 404.
Martin, James Bell| 470. 310. 312. 314. 315. 317.
Mann, Dan. S. | 474.
Mallory, A. G. | 478.
Moon, A. W. | 311,
Mason, E. W. | 311.