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Nov 28 | Alvord, J.W. * Gen. Supt. of Schools.  | 7. Washington D.C., Nov. 18, 1868. Acknowledged receipt of letter of the 9" inst. The information as to school matters will be given in a forthcoming circular. The transportation asked for cannot be granted. Louis W. Stevenson's case has been referred to the Secretary of War. |

| Dec. 12 | Alvord, J.W. * Gen. Supt. of Schools. | 8. Washington D.C., Dec. 2, 1868. Wishes report hastened. The Secretaries of the societies are sending in their accounts and the D. O. cannot pay them until there is an official certificate of the facts as required by that order. |

31 | Alvord, J.W. * Gen. Supt. of Schools. | 9. Washington D.C., Dec. 24, 1868. Transmits copy of letter to Mr. Logan by the A.A.A. Gen. which contains the authorized instructions in every case where rent is to be charged as for teachers of schools of 30 or more pupils. If the Supt. will make out the certificate of teachers and pupils as alluded to in circular on affidavit he will sign the voucher without waiting for report. |

Nov. 8 | Alvord, J.W. * Gen. Supt. Education. | 10. Washington D.C., Oct. 27, 1868. Asks the necessary information to enable him to make a digest of the laws on common schools in reconstructed States and to append thereto a statement of provisions actually made in the Southern States and cities for the establishment of common schools. |


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Sept 30 | Ames, Hugh. * Teacher.  | 11. Hallettsville, Texas, Sept. 24, 1868. Accepts position of teacher at Seguin. Requests transportation. |

| 1869 Jan. 15 | Ames, Hugh. * Teacher. | 11. Seguin, Texas, Jan 12, 1869. States the school house is rented from Peyton Medlin at three dollars, specie. per month. They have bought a piece of land for school purposes for 20 dollars. Writes concerning church and school matters. |

| 23 | Alvord, J.W., * General Supt. Schools. | 13. Washington D.C., Jan. 14, 1869. In note of Dec 26, 1868 there is a crucial error. Instead of "if you will make the certificate" it should read "if the Secretaries of the various societies will make" &c. |

| March 6 | Alvord, J.W. * General Supt. Schools. | 14. Washington D.C., Feb. 26, 1869. Writes concerning school matters at length, regarding teachers furnished by benevolent societies. Asks that state associations be informed when new schools are needed. Schools ought to be increased as fast as means are provided and carried especially into destitute regions. Urges that the Superintendent impress upon the state officials the importance of the educational work. |

| April 20 | Alvord, J. W. * General Supt. Schools. | 15. Washington D.C., April 12, 1869. Desires a brief narrative report of the school work in Texas for the six months ending Dec 31, 1868, for insertion in his forthcoming report. |

Transcription Notes:
D. O. = Disbursement Officer