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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| 1869 May 3 | Alvord. J.W. *Gen. Supt. of Schools. | 16. Washington. D.C. Apr 28, 1869. In reply to communication to Gen. Howard in regard to Ed. Form No. 5, states it is deemed advisable to continue to report the facts required in that blank for the present. A new arrangement has been made which will probably soon obviate the necessity. |

| 3 | Ames. Hugh. *Teacher | 17. Seguin. Texas. April 30. 1869. Wishes to know when his school will be placed on a free basis similar to the San Antonio school. Desires no books at present. Will send for some shortly. |

| 19 | Ames. Hugh, *Teacher. | 18. Seguin. Texas. May 19, 1869. States that some young men have been troubling lately. Thinks older ones are at the bottom of it. |

| June 7 | Alvord. J.W. *Gen. Supt. Schools | 19. Washington. D.C. May 26, 1869. States that report on Form No. 5 will not be required in the future. |

| 14 | Alvord. J.W. *Gen. Supt. Schools. | 20. Washington. D.C., June 3. 1869. Wishes the Supt. for Texas to furnish him with narrative statements, interesting incidents, striking facts, or pleasant anecdotes illustrative of his work for embodiment in his semi annual report. |


[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| 1869 June 21 | Alvord, J.W., *Gen. Supt. Schools. | 21. Washington, D.C., June 10, 1869. Gives instructions regarding the drawing of stationery and obtaining printing. |

| 22 | Ames. Hugh. *Teacher. | 22. Seguin. Texas. June 19. 1869. Has had a splendid examination of his school. There is a young lady in his school whom he desires to have teach with him if he can be removed to some other place. |

| July 3 | Anderson. Richard *and others | 23. Galveston. Texas, June 24. 1869. Authorize M.L. Parry to collect rent for school house from March 1. 1869. |

| 17 | Ames. Hugh. *Teacher. | 24. Seguin. Texas. June 30, 1869. Acknowledge receipt of check. |

| 17 | Alvord, J.W. *Gen. Supt. Schools. | 25. Washington. D.C., June 25. 1869.
Wishes the annual report forwarded immediately after July 1, 1869 and not as theretofore on 1st of Oct. |

| 22 | Alvord, J.W., *Gen. Supt. School. | 26. Washington D.C., July 7, 1865 Wishes this Sup to hurry up his report.

| 22 | Alvord, J.W., *Gen. Supt. School. | 27. Washington, D.C., July 7, 1869. Give instructions as to the manner of making out the school report. |

| 23 | Ames, Hugh, *Teacher | 28. Seguin. Texas, July 19. 1869. States pupils do not pay well. Makes some applications from the Scriptures. |