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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| 1869 Aug. 10 | Ames. Hugh. *teacher. | 29. Seguin. Texas, Aug 7, 1869. Acknowledges receipt of check for services. |

| 13 | Ames, Hugh. *Teacher. Referred to Col. H. Clay Wood. S.A. Gen. for such action as the Comdg General may deem proper. Aug. 14 1869 Filed Spt. 2. 1869 with M.P. Hunnicutt's report. | 30. Seguin, Texas. Aug. 10. 1869. States that a mob consisting of Joseph Som, Geo. Aust, Mamo Dinnett, and Frank Rhydez (Whites) and Freeman Miles, Simon McKero and Sam Stanfield (Blacks), took him from his house on the 28th ult., tarred him and rode him on a rail. Has had the parties arrested (except Miles) & placed under bond. Thinks if found guilty they would receive but a nominal fine. Inclosing letter of Judge Henry Nancy. |

| 23 | Alvord. J.W. *Gen. Supt. Schools | 31. Washington. D.C., Aug. 9. 1869. States that in the grand total of Schools reported there is an increase of teachers and schools but a decrease of 15000 pupils over last year. The Commissioner wishes the Supts. "Stirred up" and more schools reported. |

| 23 | Alvord. J.W. *Gen. Supt. Schools | 32. Washington. D.C., Aug. 10. 1869. Incloses blanks Ed. Form No. 6, and gives instructions regarding reporting on the same. |

| Sept. 6 | Alvord. J.W., *Gen. Supt. Schools | 33. Washington, D.C. Aug. 27. 1869.
Asks if the Supt. is dissatisfied with Ed. Form No. 3, if so if he can suggest any changes. |


[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| 1869 Sept. 5 | Ames, Hugh, *Teacher | 34. Seguin, Texas, Sept. 1, 1869. Has been to Parson Jones' nine miles distant, who is anxious for him to establish a school on his place. |

| 5 | Ames, Hugh, *Teacher. | 35. Seguin, Texas, Sep. 1, 1869. Acknowledges receipt of check 6789 for $15; being in payment of services as teacher for the month of July, 1869. |

| 10 | Ames, Hugh. *Teacher | 36. Seguin, Texas. Sept. 7, 1869. Acknowledges receipt of check No. 12 for Fifteen Dollars ($15); being in payment of services as teacher for the month of August, 1869. |

| 10 | Ames, Hugh. *Teacher. | 37. Seguin, Texas. Sept. 7, 1869. Has received letter relieving him as teacher. Does not like to lose the salary. |

| 11 | Allen, J.W. *Sec'y G.H. & H.R.R. L.S. page 103. | 38. Galveston. Texas, Sept. 8. 1869. Incloses orders for transportation of Persons and Property and vouchers receipted by Tipton Walker, Receiver. |

| 13 | Ames, Hugh. *Teacher. per Jos. Welch | 39. Austin, Texas, Sept. 13. 1869. Acknowledges receipt of check No. 6729 for $15; being in payment of services as teacher for the month of August, 1869. |