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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| 1870. June 17 | Alvord. J.W., *Gen. Supt. of Ed. | 54. Washington D.C. June 7, 1870. Desires the yearly report punctually after July 1, 1870. |

| Sept. 14 | Alexander, L.D., *Teacher. Aus. Sept. 22. 1870. | 55. Waco, Texas, Sept. 1870. Desires pay for services as teacher and the rent of his school house paid. |

|Oct. 3 | Allen, Richard *Chairman Board of Trustees Gregory Institute. | 56. Houston. Texas. Sept. 30, 1870. Has contracted for the building of a cistern and fence and wishes the balance of the money to be expended by the Bureau. |

| 26 | Allen, Richard *Chairman Board of Trustees Gregory Institute L.S. page 445. | 57. Houston. Texas. Oct. 26, 1870. Writes relative to the balance of the money to be expended on the Gregory Institute. |

| Nov. 23 | Allen, Richard *Chairman Board of Trustees Gregory Institute | 58. Houston, Texas. Nov. 15, 1870. Has the lumber on the ground and will have the fence done within a few days. |