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[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 20 | Booth, George C. * Teacher | 1. Richmond, Texas, June 14, 1868. Regrets that Mr. Welch has not visited Richmond since his return from the north. Writes relative to church matters. His school is composed of pupils so poor that they are unable to pay 50 ct. each per month. Asks that he be allowed a salary and a donation of books. |

| July 8 | Bailey, Fred W. * Capt. 35" U.S. Inft., 
Sub-Asst. Com'r. | 2. Indianola, Texas, July 2, 1868. Writes relative to teacher at Lavaca. Mr. Claire has resigned his position having given satisfaction neither to the freed people nor himself. |

| 11 | Baker, Thomas H. * Sub-Asst. Com'r. | 3. Lockhart, Texas, July 9, 1868. Writes relative to San Marcos school taught by Jacob Glenn. Asks for blanks and stationery. |

| 17 | Baker, Thomas H. * Sub-Asst. Com'r | 4. Lockhart, Texas, July 14, 1868. Inclosed letters from Dennis Downny, asking for teachers for the school at Plum Creek. Thinks that the school would be supported. |

| Aug. 2 | Baker, Thomas H. * Sub-Asst. Com'r. | 5. Lockhart, Texas, July 31, 1868. Makes report of schools in his Sub District. |

| 23 | Baker, Thomas H., * Sub-Asst. Com'r | 6. Lockhart, Texas, Aug. 21, 1868. Refers letter of Henry French, teacher, requesting that such repairs be made on the school house as may be deemed expedient. |

Transcription Notes:
Very unsure of the "writer" in the July 8 entry July 8 entry needs revision and a clear eye. Think Sub. Apt. may be "Conir" <- it's not, it's Com'r, short for Commissioner, and it's Sub-Ast., for Sub. Assistant It is Sub-Asst. Com'r (Sub-Assistant Commissioner). The double, lowercase "s" is written in a style called the "long s." Removed [[underlined]], per current SI transcribing instructions.