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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received 1868 | Name of Writer | Date and Purpose of Letter |

| Sept. 2 | Baker, Thomas H. * Sub. Asst. Comr. | 7. Lockhart, Texas, Aug 31, 1868. Transmits copy of deed from Mr. and Mrs.  Alfred Kelso to the freedpeople to the land on which Mr. French's school is situated. Speaks highly of the school of Mrs. Patterson and daughter. Requests Government aid to  repair her school house and to increase her remuneration.

| 21 | Baker, Thomas H. * Sub-Asst. Comr | 8. Lockhart, Texas, Sept. 19, 1868. Incloses letter from A. McCurdy and bill of [[lumber?]]. Has received the commissions for Mrs. Nancy Kavanaugh and Mrs. Patterson - that of the latter allowing her pay. Recommends that Scipio McKee is not appointed to a position in the Bureau. |

| 23 | Barnes, Sallie M. Teacher. | Error. |

| 23 | Brown, L.M. Teacher | 9. Victoria, Texas. Sept. 19, 1868. Complains that Wm. J. Neely, Bureau Agent, has given Mr. Hildebrant permission to teach freedpeople to the damage of his school. Requests an investigation. |

| 26 | Baker, Thomas H. * Sub-Asst. Comr. | 10. Lockhart, Texas, Sept. 24, 1868. Transmits Lieut. H.C. Peterson's guaranty that a salary of $40 per month should be paid Mrs. Patterson. Mr. French takes charge of the school at Plum  Creek and Nancy Kavanaugh of the school at Lockhart. |


| Oct. 22 | Bailey, Fred. W. * Capt. 25" U.S. Inf., Sub-Asst Comr. | 11. Indianola, Texas, Oct. 18, 1868. Reports that a lady teacher can have a good home and be well supported at Indianola. |

| Nov. 25 | Bonner, Walt. * | 12. Navasota, Texas, Nov. 21, 1868. Asks to be commissioned a teacher of a freedmen school at Navasota. |

| Dec. 27 | Baker, Thomas H. * Sub-Asst. Cor. | 13. Lockhart, Texas, Dec. 25, 1868. Makes his final report relative to school matters. | 

| 1 | Baker, Thomas H., * Sub-Asst. Comr. | 14. Lockhart, Texas, Nov. 24, 1868. Forwards bill of lumber for school house. States that $175 in currency are necessary to put it up. The freed men appear unwilling to to assist in school matters. |

| 1869 Jan. 15 | Booth, Geo. C., * Late teacher at Richmond. | 15. Galveston, Texas, Jan. 11, 1869. Applies for transportation to New York. He came from Chicago, Ill. |

| 17 | Baker, Thomas H. * | 16. Lockhart, Texas, Jan. 15, 1869. Writes relative to Mrs. Patterson and states he is not the person to bring parties to trial. |

| 21 | Brown, L.M., * | 17. Victoria, Texas, Jan. 18, 1869. States a school house has been hired at Victoria, Texas from William R. Rupley at $20 per month. |

| Feb. 19 | Brown, L.M. * | 18. Victoria, Texas, Feb. 18, 1869. The school house rented last year has been restored to the owner Jan. 31. Has rented another more suitable. |


Transcription Notes:
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