Viewing page 47 of 174

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[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |
| July 22 | Brown, L.M., * Teacher. | 46. Victoria, Texas. July 18, 1869. Makes complaint that Parson Allen does not assist him in the Sabbath School. |

| July 26 | Baulard, V. J. * | 47. Galveston, Texas, July 22, 1869. Acknowledges receipt of check for May rent. |

| July 27 | Benchley, G. N. * | 48. Houston, Texas. July 22, 1869. Writes relative to the note given him for debt against school house. |

| July 27 | Brown, L. M., * Teacher. | 49. Victoria, Texas, July 24, 1869. Would have sent school report before had he not have been sick for past two weeks. |

| July 29 | Barnes, Sallie M., * Teacher. | 50. Galveston, Texas, July 26, 1869. Has given up the house occupied by them and asks that another be rented of H. Marwitz at $25 per month. |

| July 30 | Burke, James | 51. Houston, Texas, July 26, 1869. Wishes to know regarding the sufferings from the recent overflow. |

|July 31 | Bering, C. H., * Contractor. | 52. Says the colored people are very angry and say he shall not erect the school house on the lot. |

| Aug. 2 | Balloch, Geo. W., * Bvt. Brig. Gen. C.D.O. | 53. Washington, D.C., July 21, 1869. Incloses checks in payment of teachers, rents of houses ie. |


[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |
| Aug. 2 | Buell, Geo. P., Bvt. Brig. Gen. Comdg. Post. L.S. 109. | 54. Jefferson, Texas, July 18, 1869. Forwards communication of Lieut. Gregory Barrett Jr. U.S.A. desiring that testimony of  W. H. Sinclair in relation to attack upon him may be furnished to and in prosecution of Kennedy and his colleagues. |

| Aug. 3 | Balloch, Geo. W. Bvt. Brig. Gen. Chief D.O. L.S.108.75.135. L.R.(6.23) | 55. Washington D.C., July 24, 1869. Incloses documents and vouchers in the case of Phillip Willis and asks that the vouchers be properly signed and witnessed. Will send check to the Supt. or Commanding Officer, Post of San-Antonio. |

| Aug. 2 | Balloch, Geo. W. * Bvt. Brig. Gen. L. S. pages 127. 117. Chief D. O. | 56. Washington D.C., July 24, 1869. Incloses check for $1073 to pay the bounty of Renlen Head. |

| Aug. 5 | Bonnor, Walt. * Teacher | 57. Courtney, Tex., July 31, 1869. Acknowledges receipt of check No. 5845 for services for May 1869. |

| Aug. 6 | Bering, C. H.  L.S. 117. Contractor * | 58. Houston, Texas, Aug. 6, 1869. Foundation is ready. Wishes money. |

| Aug. 9 | Balloch, Geo. W. * Bvt. Brig. Gen., L.S. 122. Chief D. O. | 59. Washington D.C., July 29, 1869. Incloses check for the payment of teachers and rent of houses. |

| Aug. 12 | Brooks, J. W. * L.S. 126. | 60. Larissa, Texas, July 14, 1869. Wishes to purchase some "C. S." property on Mound Prairie Creek ui Anderson Co., Tex. |

Transcription Notes:
Redo grouping within each entry. Pattern after first entry on this page, entry #46. <- looks correct now