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[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |
| Sepr. 5 | Balloch, Geo. W., * Bvt. Brig. Gen. & C.D.O. L.S. pages 161 & 182. | 74. Washington, D.C., Aug 27, 1869. Includes check 6663 for $6.20 in payment of vouchers of "Texas and N.O. R.R. Co.," and "Houston Direct Navigation Co." |

| 5 | Balloch, Geo. W., * Bvt. Brig. Gen. & C.D.O. L.S. page 156. | 75. Washington, D.C. Aug. 27, 1869. Incloses check 6674 for $236 34/100 payable to Phillis Willis. for bounty. |

| 5 | Balloch, Geo. W., * Bvt. Brig. Gen. & C.D.O. L.S. | 76. Washington, D.C., Aug 27, 1869. Incloses check for $1068, no. 6652 to pay vouchers for Teachers services, rents & building of S. House. |

| 9 | Biddle, Jas. Bvt. Lt. Col. U.S.A. Commanding, L.S. 101. | 77. Brenham, Texas. Sept. 8, 1869. Forwards petition of citizens of Washington Co., for the appointment of Geo. W. Scobey, as Co. Attorney of Washington Co. States he cannot vouch for Jon Schobey, and does not wish to be held responsible for his appointment. Thinks the interest of justice would be secured as well by the temporary appointment of an attorney during the term of Court by the presiding Judge. |

| 12 | Balloch, Geo. W., * Bvt. Brig. Gen. & C.D.O. Forwarded to Louis W. Stevenson Sept. 12. 1869. | 78. Washington. D.C. Sept. 2. 1869. Transmits his check 6716 for $135.94/100 and Jos. Welch's check no. 4 for 148 72/100 for payment of following afor. of Louis W. Stevenson:-transportation afor. from Peckskill to Austin $101 7/100 transportation afor. from Austin to Galveston $36 22/100 and salary for Aug $146 67/100 | 


| Sep. 18 | Balloch, Geo. W., * Bvt. Brig. Gen. L. S. 144, 160, 166 Chief D.O. | 79. Washington, D.C. Spt. 2, 1869. Transmits checks for the payment of accounts for August. |

| 8 | Bering, C. N. * | 80.
Houston, Texas. Sep. 8, 1869. Acknowledges receipt of check no 6535 for Nine hundred (900) Dollars; being for First payment for building school house at Houston. |

| 10 | Buell, Gen P., * Bvt. Brig. Gen. Comdg. | 81. Jefferson, Texas, Aug 24, 1869. Forwards letter of J. M. Girand, Pastor of Catholic Church, calling attention to the need for a school for freedmen and asking that a part of the negro school fund be set aside for the erection of a school at Jefferson, stating he will undertake to bring Sisters of Charity to act as Instructors. Gen. Buell approves the request of  Mr. Girand. |

| 10 | Baulard, V. J, * | 82. | Galveston, Texas. Sep. 4, 1869. Acknowledges receipt of check no. 6632 for $20; being in payment of rent of house for July, 1869. |

| 21 | Billingsley, J. G., * Teacher | 83. | Austin, Texas. Sep. 17. 1869. Wishes to know if he can continue to occupy the school house. |

| 21 | Bynnmalt, C.R., * Teacher | 84. Waco, Texas. Sep. 18. 1869. Makes his first report. |

| 22 | Balloch, Geo. W., * Bvt. Brig. Gen. & Cheif D.O. L.S. pages 48 & 178. | 85. Washington, D.C. Sept 13, 1869. Incloses check to Jay, Risher & Hall and Houston & Tere. Cent. R.R. Co. |

Transcription Notes:
Deleted underline notations per transcription guidelines