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| Jan 15 | Balloch. Geo. W. * Bvt. Brig. Gen. Chief Dist. Officer L.S. pages  245.262.267.| 117. Washington, D.C.. Jan. 5, 1870. Incloses checks for the payment of voucher for December. 1869. |

| 16 | Barnes. Sarah M.* L.S. page 273. | 118. Woodbury, Conn., Jan. 1, 1870. States that the  school house at Galveston needs a belfry to complete the house: that she is raising money to purchase a bell, but it is of no use without a belfry. She asks for another appropriation for this purpose. |
| 22 | Bering. C. M. * | 119. Houston, Texas, D.C.. 1869. Acknowledges recipe of of check No. 7378 for three thousand Dollars ($3000/100): being in payment of building school house at Houston. Texas - final payment. |
| Feb. 7 | Balloch. Gen. W., * Bvt. Brig. Gen., Chief D.O. L.S. pages 261.274. 274. | 120. Washington. D.C. Jan. 26. 1870. Incloses checks for the payment of vouchers. |
| 11 | Balloch. Gen . W. *Bvt. Brig. Gen... Chief D. O. L.S. pages 266. 279.283. | 121. Washington. D.C. Feb. 1. 1870. Incloses check for Frederick Jones for U. S. Bounty. |
| 7 | Balloch. Gen. W. * Bvt. Brig. Gen. , Chief D.O. L.S. page 284. | 122. Washington, D.C. Jan. 26. Desires that copies of order for traveling expenses be attached to vouchers. Wishes the original, upon which his Louis W. Stevenson made a trip, be forwarded that the payment may be indorsed then on. |

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 [[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received 1870 | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |

| Feb. 7 | Brown . L. M. * teacher | 123. Victoria, Texas. Jan. 30. 1870. Writes relative to seats which he has been ordered to deliver to W. J. Neely, thinks the Supt. has been misinformed. | 
|Jan. 21 | Balloch. Gen. W. * Bvt. Brig. Gen. Chief D.O. | 124. Washington, D.C.. Jan 12. 1870. Incloses checks for the payment of reciepted vouchers.|
| 16 | Balloch. Gen. W., * Bvt. Brig. Gen., Chief D. O. L.S. pages 169.280.283. | 125. Washington, D.C. Feb. 7. 1870. Incloses checks for the payment of January vouchers.|
| Mar. 12 | Borkman. A. W. * L.S. page 295. | 126. New Courtney, Texas. Mar. 5. 1870. States they are in need of a good teacher. |
| 16 | Balloch. Gen. W. * Bot. Brig. Gen. C.D.O. L.S. pages 276.300.302. | 127. Washington, D.C. Mar. 4. 1870. Incloses checks for the payment of receipted vouchers. | 

| 20 | Balloch. Gen. W., * Bvt. Brig. Gen.. Chief D.O. L.S. pages 286.300.302 | 128. Washington, D.C., March. 11. 1870: Incloses checks to pay February receipted vouchers. |
| April 2 | Ballock. Gen. W., * Bvt. Brig. Gen. Chief D.O. L.S. pages 289.302.308. | 129. Washington. D.C., Mar. 23. 1870. Incloses checks for $100 10/100 to pay the voucher of Volney/Jefferiy - pay all to the order of John O. Stevenson.|
| 8 | Barry J. B. * | 130. Dayton, Ohio. Mar. 30. 1870. Desires to know relative to obtaining a position as teacher. |

Transcription Notes:
missing words - only send for review when /all/ words are transcribed!