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[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |
| April 10 | Balloch, Geo. W. | * Bvt. Brig. Gen., Chief D.O. L.S. pages 261, 276, 284, 297.| 131. Washington, D.C. Mar. 31, 1870. Incloses check to pay transportation accounts of Louis W. Stevenson.|

| 13 | Balloch, Geo. W., * Bvt. Brig. Gen.. Chief D.O. L.S. pages 296, 312, 311.| 132. Washington, D.C. Apr. 4, 1870. Incloses checks for the payment of receipted vouchers. |

| 16 | Bookman, A.W. * | 133. Courtney, Texas. Apr. 14, 1870. Could not get a teacher from Anderson. Desire one sent. |

| 27 | Balloch, Geo. W., * Bvt. Brig. Gen., C. D.O. L.S. pages 304, 323, 324. | 134. Washington, D.C. Apr. 16, 1870. Incloses checks for the payment of vouchers in March, 1870. |

| May 8 | Balloch, Geo. W., * Bvt. Brig. Gen., Chief D.O. L.S. Page 314. | 135. Washington, D.C. Apr. 2, 1870.  Returns vouchers for certificate of the Superintendent. Vouchers in form of P.S. Medows, J.J.H. Dozier & A. Rowe. |

| 9 | Brown  L.M., * Teacher. | 136. Victoria, Texas. April 20, 1870. Desires assistance. Thinks he has not been properly treated.  |

| 10 | Byrum, Green, * Teacher. | 137.  Speights Plantation. McLennan Co., May, 7, 1870. Has a school of 31 pupils and desires assistance. |

| 11 | Balloch, Geo. W., * Bvt. Brig. Gen., Chief D.O. | 138. Washington, D.C. May 2, 1870.  Returns voucher in favor of Julia O'Connor for April for Certificate of Superintendent. |

[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |
| May 13 | Balloch, Geo. W., * Bvt. Brig. Gen., Chief D.O. L.S. pages 318, 341, 342. | 139. Washington, D.C. May 5, 1870. Incloses checks for the payment of receipted vouchers for April. | 

| 18 | Barry, J.B., * | 140. Lebanon, Ohio, May 8, 1870. Has written for a furlough and transportation to Texas. If he receives them he will soon start. |

| 18 | Burkhart, W.U., * | 141. Matagorda, Texas, May 10, 1870. Writes relative to the building of the house.|

| 29 | Balloch, Geo. W., * Bvt. Brig. Gen., Chief D.O. L.S. pages 338, 354, 355.  | 142. Washington, D.C. May 20, 1870. Incloses checks for the payment of receipted vouchers for different months. |

| June 5 | Brown, L.M., * Teacher.  Referred to Miss Trussell June for remarks and returned with letter | 143 [No. 1] Victoria, Texas. May 15, 1870. Includes petition of citizens of Victoria and surrounding counties requesting that he be allowed the use of the school house. used by Miss. Trussell. |

| 13 | Balloch, Geo. W., * Bvt. Brig. Gen., Chief D.O. L.S. pages 348, 361, 362.| 143. [No 2] Washington, D.C. June 4, 1870. Incloses checks to pay receipted vouchers for May, 1870. | 

| 22 | Bates, I, *  | 144. Brazoria, Texas, June 15, 1870. Writes relative to the contract taken by Heiggins to build a school house. | 

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