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[[3 columned table]]
 | --- | --- | --- |

|1868 Oct. 19|Davis. M.E., * Sub-Asst. Com'r.|7. Houston. Texas, Oct. 15. 1868. States Jennie Foster and Emma Dayton have arrived. Asks that they be assigned to the Methodist Church, which will be in repair in two weeks.|  

|Nov. 5.|Davis. D.F. * Teacher.|8. Waco, Texas, Nov. 3, 1868. Requests that Stephen Cobb be appointed an Asst. Teacher in his school at a salary of $15 per month.
The school trustees join in this request.|

|Nov 18|Davis, M.E. * Sub-Asst. Com'r.|9. Houston, Texas, Nov. 16, 1868. Incloses plan and specific rations for school house at Houston, Texas.|

|1869. March 15|Dorris, A.  *|10. Lockhart, Texas, Mar. 12, 1869. At the request of  John Saunders writes that the teacher refuses to admit grown up girls. States that the teacher has only 10 or 12 pupils at present.|

|May 13|Dorons. W.W. *|11. Waco, Texas, May. 10, 1869. Incloses the application of Green Bynum. for an appointment as teacher and recommends that he be appointed for his plantation. Character and ability good.|

|May 13|Dozier. J.J.H., * L.S. page 12.|12. Waco, Texas, May. 9, 1869. Asks that the rent of his school house and a salary be paid him. Has a day school of 44 and night school of 25 pupils.|


[[3 columned table]]
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|June 7|Dozier. J. J. H. * Teacher | 13. Waco, Texas, May 25: 1869. | Sends his report and wishes blanks. Desires that ten dollars be sent him each month to pay the rent or he will be compelled to leave his house.|

|June 25|Dozier. J. J. H. * Teacher| 14. Waco, Texas, June 18, 1869.  Writes relative to the sending of vouchers. Wishes to know if they have been received.|

|June 25 2|Dewey, E.C. *|15. Austin Texas, June 25, 1869. Acknowledges receipt of $15 16/100 for transportation account.|

|June 25|DeNormandie W.P. * P.U.|16. Austin, Texas, June 25, 1869.  Acknowledge receipt of $35 31/100 in payment of postage for May, 1869.|

|July 3|Dozier, J.J.H. * Teacher|17. Waco, Texas. June 26, 1869. Authorizes the Supt. to take $3.50 from his check to pay for books.|

|July 19|Davlin, Matie * Teacher|18. Dallas, Texas. July 10, 1869. Has received check of $45 for three months pay.|

|July 19|Davlin, Matie * Teacher L.S.91|18. Dallas, Texas. July 10, 1869. Wishes to know relative to pay for teaching last year. Has discontinued her school as she was notified by Mr. Stevenson she would have to pay the rent.|

Transcription Notes:
11-11-20: For the When Received column, included the month for the rows in which just the date was included. 11-11-20: Confirmed names and dollar amounts by looking at the corresponding letters in Texas Education, Letters Received, Registered Letters Received, Register 2, A–G, 1868–1870, Part 3. removed [[unscored]]; see rules for brackets in TIPS