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Office Supt. School/624/May 15/67
Office Pub School. Comm
Clinton Tex May 7/67
Clark Hiram
Sub Asst.Com.
Reports that the state of feeling existing between the Whites and Freedmen as a general thing is good especially in the County of Dewitt and Victoria.  My observation has not been so extended in Kansas Co.
The Freedman are all hard at work neglect there work less than last year and consequently give better satisfaction.  In regard to Schools of Dewitt & Kansas County are behind, the Whites are not as much interested in the subject of coeducation as he should like to see them.  The Freed Peoples themselves are very anxious [[strikethrough]] [obscured][[/strikethrough]] that schools should be started but they are penniless at present.  As there is no room to be seated will try and get them to furnish logs and erect a log school house if the Bu can help in furnishing floors, doors, windows &c.  Season has been so backward they have been greatly hurried in getting in the crops.  As they are now in and growing nicely thinks he can get the assistance.  Thinks it would be impracticable to send a female teacher.