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Lieut Kirkman A.A.A.
Superintendant of Education 

25th May 1867


I beg to address you on a subject evidently calling for your immediate consideration and redress. You are aware that the School for the Freedmen was Organized in this place on or about the 1st of April last, Since which time the number of pupils in attendance have increased from 10 to 47 and in order to give you an idea of the accommodation I will describe the building which is temporary and got up on the most economical principle. It is about 15 feet long by 16 feet wide and 9 feet high having two Sutters or windows which must be Kept open at all times during School hours, and is rented at $12 per month
There are 9 seats and 2 writing desks each 8 feet long inside of the School House and two Outside, the Seats have been contracted for and placed here by the Sub Assist.  Commissioner at Columbia for the accommodation of the pupils whose parents are neither able nor willing to do any thing in that direction as you will see hereafter.

In addition to the number already attending School there is a large number of white children as well as Colored who have expressed themselves willing to come to this 

Transcription Notes:
please transcribe long-s as "ss" long-s looks like fs or ps — see "address" "redress" "Commissioner" "expressed" above.