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Office Sub Asst Commissioner
Bureau R.F and A.L
Austin Texas July 8th 1867

Lieut J.T. Kirkman
A.A.A. Genl / Bureau R.F. and A.L. Texas


In compliance with requirements of Circular letter from Office Superintendent of Education R and F. State of Texas dated Galveston June 24th 1867 I have the honor to report that there are three private Schools in Austin as follows

Mr. Taylors. day & night School. (white man) 25 Scholars
Mr. Billingsly day & night School (white man) 8 or 10 Scholars
Mr. J. Fontaines day School (Freedman) 8 Schollars.

There are no other freedmens School in this District

I am Sir
very respectfully
your Obedient Servant
James Oakes
Col 6th Cavlry
Bvt Brig Genl USA