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May 13th., 1948. 

Dear Mr. Goldwater: 

Realizing you could not possibly find time to see all exhibitions, I am sending you a listing of our current "Second Annual 25 and Under Exhibition" - which is a veritable panaroma of painting being done by the younger artists throughout the United States. 

Twenty-five States and the District of Columbia are represented, through the very kind cooperation of museum Directors and heads of the art schools in the various sections of the country, by whom the recommendations were made. 

Last year's "edition" is still touring the country by individual invitations, none of which was solicited. Several of those participating in Part I or II of last year later received Fellowships, and one is now a critic on one of New York's finest newspapers. 

All of the above is to say that were someone to wish to do an article on this undertaking, it should have a wide field of interest. 

Incidentally, as you might like to be posted on the manner in which the exhibition is organized, I am also attaching the instruction sheet and one of the entry forms. 

The show will be on through the 29th. of May. 

Yours very sincerely, 

Mrs. T. D. Parker. 

Mr. Robert J. Goldwater,
Magazine of Art, 
22 East 60th. St., 
N.Y., N.Y.
