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November 1st, 1938

Dear Miss Walther:

These lines to confirm our telephone conversation of this morning.

We have been able to stimulate an interest in the three paintings belonging to Mr. Harding which are now in Dallas, especially in the Reynolds portrait.

We have been obliged to raise the prices which were put on these pictures by you because not only have we to be taken care of, but also there is another local intermediary who will have to be considered, and the party who is interested in the pictures is known to make offers. 

We do not know as yet what might materialize, but we would like you to refer to us any inquiry which might arise on these pictures within the next few weeks and also not to give out any information about them.

Kindly believe us 

Yours sincerely, 


(René Seligman)

Miss Jacqueline B. Walther
Thornton Realty Company
654 Madison Avenue
New York, New York