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Ottawa, Canada
Apl 11th,1936

Messrs Jacques Seligmann & Co.

New York City.

Dear Sirs;-

Since my last letter regarding the two Renoirs, I have thought that before doing anything as to seeing the Director of the Gallery here. I might well have photographs of the pictures if they are available. I have just been going over Barnes' on Renoir which has several nudes by the artist. It might be that I should not care to consider them at all on account of the poses, composition and so forth. Could you get these for me?.

Reid, Lefevre & Co of London are here with a number of outstanding pictures amongnthem six Renoirs. One is a masterpiece-Young Girl in a large hat. A small picture of wonderful quality-probably the best I have ever seen but the price is not to be considered by me. There are several landscapes of fine quality also.

Perhaps you could let me know about the photographs.
Very truly yours,

AC Hardy