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- 4 -    For Mr. John W. Higgins

J-20  Polearm - Halberd, Gothic, XV  $ 200.--

J-92   "  Halberd, Glaive, Venetian, XVI 150.--

J-100  "  Halberd, Vouge, XIV            50.--

J-109  "  Halberd, Vouge, XIV            50.--

J-121  "  Halberd, Guisanne, XV         250.--

J-121B "  Halberd, Berdiche, XIV         50.--

J-126  "  Halberd, XVI                  100.--

J-132  "  Halberd, end XV beginning XVI  25.--

J-144  "  Halberd, Spetum, XV            50.--

J-193  "  Halberd, Vouge, mid. XV       250.--


I-5  Battle Axe - Gothic throwing axe, German XV, Head angular, filed in longitudinal ridges, cutting border of axe becoming almost side of a spearhead; at its base is a hole for attachment of a thong.         100.--

K-68  Sword - Rapier - Italian XVI c.   750.--

K-99 Sword - 2 handed sword - Swiss - 1510 150.--

K-121 Sword - 2 handed sword - Scotch - XVI 150.--

K-122 Sword  same "  "  "

K-105 Sword  "  "    XVI                100.--

K-112 Sword  "  "  " Scotch XVI         100.--


N-7 Horse Bit - beautiful - front used as an enseign                                  750.--

N-42 Muzzle - Belmont Coll. - Magnificent iron muzzle for a horse. Entirely open worked. Work probably done with a file, with heads of two eagles and various animals.

N-76 Horse Harness - Belmont Coll. Iron piece for a horse's head called: TETIERE      100.--

Q-14 Forgery - Eagle, brass and Faucre)  25.--
Q-16   "       stirrup                )

R-4 Chain Mail - Coran Comail - Saracen, 14th C.                                      700.--

R-5  " " same Coran garment - Saracen, 14th C.                                      700.--

V-56 Wood St. George                  2,500.--

V-55 Alabaster Statue - Nottingham   12,000.--