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Stoughton 21st 1941
Dear Doris
Another beautiful sunny day too pleasant almost to stay indoors. Mrs Barry says nice day for a ride but no sign of any so far. so she is reading his play they are going to put on to her church. Laura is coaching them. Mr Bradner is to be in it & also Frank Reynolds, they both take active parts. Myrtie called us this morning & Mrs Barry answered it I was up stairs sewing  they had a long conversation so I heard about it when I got down. she said Alice was having the inside of the house all painted up & also the chairs & every thing was all confusion. Percy was trying to work but was terrible irritable, couldn't eat he was all nerves & didn't seem like the same man, he used to be. he was taking eggnog had got sick of milk & could not keep down any thing solid. she said Roy was going to shut up his house again & go to florida the same as they did last year he married that Ida that

Transcription Notes:
some of the names I can't seem to read are marked with [[good guess?]] next to them