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in the spring time they would been more likely to live. Alice Woods called me up yesterday & talked to me she wanted to know something about some one in our family of Wentworths but I knew of no such person & told her so. she was on her best behavior. She said Percy couldn't keep anything on his stomac & was terrible nervous & irritable & could not stand much company. he had to go up stairs by himself he was so nervous.

I am going to order tea as you say its going be scarce so it is to be well to be prepared although I can drink ginger tea or anything even coffee but am fond of my tea. a real Wentworth.

We are enjoying Gladys visit she & Mrs Barry are talking a blue stream while I am writing this letter so if there are any mistakes you can lay it to me being confused by their talk.

Lena sent me a little calendar I am sorry she is not doing any better & hope something happens so her luck will change for the better. she is lucky to be with Jimmie I will close now as Gladys will take this letter to mail


Transcription Notes:
Lena - often mentioned in her letters.