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Xmas cards have begun to arrive so soon.
I have got plenty of money to last over the holidays

Stoughton December 18th 1941
Dear Doris
We are having a very pleasant day after three cold blustering ones, Mrs Barry had taken advantage of it to go down & see a picture at the movies. she knows that Winnie will be sure to come after Richard & will take her back home. also she fights for him & that of course pleases the mother. he is anything but an idiot now, greatly improved & of a very good disposition, far better than his sister Edith has got.

Well I sent off your box yesterday by the railway express, you should be able to get it by the end of the week if not delayed. not much only a little for each & made presents at that. as I cant go shopping to get things. Maude called up to find out your address, as she had it some where but it had been mislaid, she lives with Bertha Upham & is looking fine so they say. she certainly has been through enough to kill common people & suppose thats what her easy disposition was given her for to withstand it Poor Maude.

Transcription Notes:
I marked words I didn't know as [?]. I also don't know how to properly format the comments on the top right of the paper.