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Stoughton December 14th 1941

Dear Doris

This is another stormy Sunday but the radio says clearing it rained all night every little helps. we need rain. tho we have had occasional showers but in places they complain of drought. the snow stays away wonderfully well.

I am almost ready to start off your box, the middle of the week it will be ready I think, as most of the presents are home made. I dont go to the stores to buy any. I hear about crowds flocking the stores this year, probably they feel it their last chance. no one knows what next xmas will be. those who have passed on are the lucky ones I guess.

Theres no use borrowing trouble until it comes. Cora Brock is living all alone, right accross the railroad. she has been sick & had a trained nurse, so used up lots of money. she called up Mrs Barry the other day to talk with her & tell her about her woes, she used to know her long ago. she was good to her as a child when the others showed they did'nt want her tagging around, being much