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13° above this morning & pleasant, at eight o'clock

Stoughton December 11th 1941

Dear Doris

We are having cooler weather with snow'ey feeling air, it will come upon us soon all of a sudden we fear that & the war. But let it come we shall be protected. They said The Presidents  speech last night was very good at ten O'clock but I was sound asleep. I suppose that did me more good. I am going to get together my Xmas presents they will be few & far between this year.  I was in the hopes to have more but couldn't go to get them, mine are mostly made ones; money is too scarce to spend much of when none is coming in. Addie called up last night to get comforted, she was scart to death over false reports about the war. It made her sick she was upset in her stomach; until Mrs Barry told her there was nothing to, fear, at last she got the subject changed and made her laugh, so she was all right. She was'nt the only one who was stirred up over the signal which was sounded here for the war announcement. But theres no use in borrowing trouble till one has to, as things look now we are in it for keeps. Mrs Barry has gone to Brockton with Laura to get her things so she can send off her box to 

Transcription Notes:
should be ready. Just made a few minor corrections