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stand up. they were all pleased with her acting, they said she had mistaken her vocation as a house keeper, she should be on the stage. if it hadn't been for her father she would have been but then they had money. Reuben Willis came up yesterday to congratulate her & everybody he said was speaking of it & saying she made the show. he was in the Mecardo with her & knows how well she did there. the last thing she raised her dress & showed her pantaletts we had made. they roared that was a surprise even to Laura, she threw herself forward onto the piano and roared. Mrs Bradner she was laughing fit to kill. it was so comical to see her dancing around with those long pants she knew how far to raise her silk dress just to show them. I hunted around to find the old pants & sewed the old fashioned trimming to match them. she had to cut them in two to get them on & then we pinned them on with Safety pins to hold them in place. she was made up before she left home. I furnished a lot of things for the show but they are all brought home but the tall hats & they are in good hands. one Frank Reynolds & the other George Terrell has. they say next time have a larger hall to accomodate the crowd. Mabel was in it & did well. send the pattern for Doris slips I can't find one 